C# - Playing with delegate invocation list, Combine, Remove
Post date: Jan 7, 2013 1:33:27 PM
Producer producer = new Producer(); Consumer consumer = new Consumer(); { Action a = new Action(producer.Produce); Action b = new Action(consumer.Consume); Action c = new Action(() => { Console.WriteLine("Anonymous Method!"); }); var combined = Delegate.Combine(a, b, c); combined.DynamicInvoke(); Delegate.Remove(combined, a).DynamicInvoke(); } Console.WriteLine(); { Action<int> a = new Action<int>(i => { Console.Write("A "); Console.WriteLine(i); }); Action<int> b = new Action<int>(i => { Console.Write("B "); Console.WriteLine(i); }); Action<int> c = new Action<int>( i => { Console.Write("C "); Console.WriteLine(i); }); var combined = Delegate.Combine(a, b, c); int counter = 0; Console.WriteLine("DynamicInvoce on the delegate"); combined.DynamicInvoke(counter++); Console.WriteLine("Foreach"); foreach (var item in combined.GetInvocationList()) { item.DynamicInvoke(counter++); } Console.WriteLine("Delegate remove"); Delegate.Remove(combined, a).DynamicInvoke(counter--); // Can use shorthand adding removing as long as they are of the same type Console.WriteLine("Shorthand"); var ny = a + b; var another = ny += c += a + b + c ; another.DynamicInvoke(10); }
Producing Consume! Anonymous Method! Consume! Anonymous Method! DynamicInvoce on the delegate A 0 B 0 C 0 Foreach A 1 B 2 C 3 Delegate remove B 4 C 4 Shorthand A 10 B 10 C 10 A 10 B 10 C 10